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Other Convention Links

Interfilk's Filk Conventions Listing
All the filk conventions you'd ever want to go sing at.

Locus magazine is the monthly newsletter of the science fiction field. This is a very extensive listing of conventions.

Ansible International Events List
Extensive list, complementing Ansible Events List, which covers only the British Isles – plus Eurocons and Worldcons.

The SF Site: Conventions Links
A very extensive listing. Also has a listing of other listings!

Starfury UK Conventions Calendar
A list of cons in Britain.

For Convention Promoters:

If you want us to add your convention, please e-mail us with the following information:

Name of Convention
Date (month, day(s), year)
Location (hotel or facility; plus city, state, country)
Theme or Genre
Guests (indicate if invited or confirmed)
Mailing address for registration
Phone number
Fax number
Email address
Web site address

Please send information, listings, changes, updates, corrections, additions, deletions, cancellations, comments, etc., to Prydonians of Prynceton, PO Box 3194, Princeton, NJ 08543-3194, or e-mail us.

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Last updated: 2010-02-27